360 XR Room - A playful and immersive interactive space!

client: Factory, Berlin


360º coolness and flow

Together with Riverside Studios, we developed an immersive experience space that uses projection mapping and real time interactions to transform Factory, Berlin, into a place where creative energy can easily materialise.

Making spaces shine with wonder

We designed the 360 XR Room to be an open interactive group experience, a space filled with immersive audio, visuals and interactive displays/visuals.


Playfully controlling the room’s animations.

The users can navigate and unpeel the layers of the Factory’s collective unconscious using a banana-shaped controller that allows them to tear down the Berlin Wall or take a ride on the Rainbow Road. This is a space for play!


A psychedelic pop art trip.

As you enter through a set of authentic U-Bahn doors, the walls light up in a flurry of immersive animations that respond to your movements.


A space for the future!

This is a platform not only for the present but also for future - with scope for iterating and collaborating creatively with artists and makers from all over the world.


Located at the entrance of Factory Berlin, it premiered at Factory’s Creative Code event in May 2019 and has become part of the on-boarding process for all Factory members.

You have to change your environment and change the questions you’re asking... and then all of a sudden you have a whole new world.

— Moco Schiller (Director and Co-Founder of Neeeu)